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Week 26 Eurythmy Forms

“Vortakt” (before movement)
I –i m i m i m …
II—r o r o r o …
III—l u l u l u …
IV—r u l o r u l o …
V—s o l u s o l u …
Nature, your motherly Being
I bear it (the Being) in my Will-Being;
And the Fire Power of my Will,
It steels the strivings of my Spirit,
So they bring forth a Selfhood feeling
To bear Me in me.
Nachtakt (after movement)

Week 27 Eurythmy Form

Week 27
“Vortakt” (before movement)
I – i m o i m o . . .
II – u s o u s o . . .
III – l m s l m s . . .
Into my Being’s Depth to penetrate
Stirs an expecting longing,
That I may self-beholding find myself,
As gift of summer-sun, that as a seed
In autumn mood warmingly lives
As driving powers of my soul.
The Nachtakt (after movement)

Week 28 Eurythmy Form

Week 28

“Vortakt” (before movement)
I – u o s u o s . . .
II – m l s m l s . . .
III – m o i m o i . . .
Week 28 forms scanned Vortakt
I can, newly enlivened, in myself
Feel the widths of my own being
And filled with strength, rays of thought
Out of the sun- might of the soul
Spend them to solve the riddles of life,
Fulfillment granting many a wish,
Whom hope already its wings was laming.
The Nachtakt (after movement)

Week 29 Eurythmy Forms

Week 29

“Vortakt” (before movement)
I –u o l u o l …
II—m s i m s i …
III—s i m s i m …
Week 29 eurythmy-1
To Oneself, the shining of thinking
Within to forcefully unfold,
Week 29 eurythmy-2

Week 30 Eurythmy Form

Week 30

“Vortakt” (before movement)
I –u o u o u o …
II—s l m s l m …
III—i s m i s m …
IV—m s i m s i …
There sprout to me now in the Sunlight of my Soul
The ripened fruits of my thinking;
Into the certainty of Self-consciousness
Transforms itself all Feeling.
Joyfully I can sense
The autumn’s spirit-Waking:
The winter will in me
The soul’s summer awaken.
Week 31 Eurythmy Form 
Week 31
“Vortakt” (before movement)
I –o u o u …
II—l m s l m s …
III—s i m s i m …
IV—s m i s m i …

The light from Spirit Depths,
Strives outward Sun-like:

It becomes the strength of Life’s Will
And shines into the Dullness of the Senses,

To liberate the forces,
That let creative powers from the Soul’s impulses
Ripen in Human Works.
Week 32 Eurythmy Form 
Week 32
“Silent Form”
I –i e f i e f …
II—m l m l …
III—r s m r s m …

I feel my own Strength bearing fruit
In gaining strength lending me to the World,

My Selfhood Being I feel strengthening
To turn to clarity

In life’s destiny – weaving

“Silent Form”

Week 31 Eurythmy Form

Week 31

“Vortakt” (before movement)
I –o u o u …
II—l m s l m s …
III—s i m s i m …
IV—s m i s m i …
The light from Spirit Depths,
Strives outward Sun-like:
It becomes the strength of Life’s Will
And shines into the Dullness of the Senses,
To liberate the forces,
That let creative powers from the Soul’s impulses
Ripen in Human Works.

Week 32 Eurythmy Form

Week 32

“Silent Form”
I –i e f i e f …
II—m l m l …
III—r s m r s m …
I feel my own Strength bearing fruit
In gaining strength lending me to the World,
My Selfhood Being I feel strengthening
To turn to clarity
Week-32-form-Lines-3-4_original-600x284 (1)
In life’s destiny – weaving
“Silent Form”
Week-32-form-Nachtakt_original-600x387 (1)

Week 33 Eurythmy Form

Week 33

“Vortakt” (before movement)
I – s l m s l m …
II— o u s o u s …
III— s o u s o u …
IV— s l m s l m …
Thus now I feel the World,
Which without my Soul’s participation
In itself but frosty, empty life
And revealing itself without might,
In souls anew itself creating,
Within itself but death could find.
The Nachtakt (after movement)

Week 34 Eurythmy Form

Week 34

“Vortakt” (before movement)
I and IV – r s m r s m …
II and III— i a o i a o ….
Mysteriously, what was kept of Old
With newly awakened Selfhood-being
Within my Inmost, re-enlivening itself, feeling:
It should, awakening, World-Strengths
Pour out into my life’s outer work
And by becoming imprint me into Existence.
The Nachtakt (after movement)

Week 35 Eurythmy Form

Week 35

“Vortakt” Form (before movement)
I , II and III – i s o i s o …
IV, V and VI— a l m a l m ….
Followed by “Nachtakt” Form (after movement)
I , II and III – m l a m l a …
IV, V and VI— o s i 0 s i ….
For this week’s verse, each eurythmist moves their individual form with the associated line.  For example, as line 1 is read, Eurythmist I moves the violet form in the figure below.  For line 2, Eurythmist II moves the indigo form in the figure below.  The first figure below shows the movements that correspond with the each of the lines and the second figure shows the association for the given line (“Zeile”) with the eurythmist (Roman Numeral).
Can I the Being know,
So that it finds itself again
Within the soul’s creating drive?
I feel, that strength was lent to me,
My own Self to the World-Self
As a Member modestly to incorporate.
Week-35-6-lines-figure-568x600 Week-35-6-lines-2nd-figure-600x495